علامہ وہبہ الزحیلی کا اسلوب تفسیر، التفسیر المنیر کی روشنی میں ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ

An analytical study of Tafsīri Patterns of Sheikh Wahba al-Zuhielī in the light of al-Tafsīr-ul-Munīr

1. Hafiz Muhammad Siddique
Associate Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

2. Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur


Holy Qur’ān is the primary source of Islamic Law. It has a wide horizon of meanings and multiple branches of knowledge. Al-Tafsīr-ul-Munīr is one of the famous modern interpretations of the Holy Qur’ān in the Arabic language. It is written by Sheikh Wahba Mustafa Al-Zuhielī, who is one of the great Islamic Sharī’ah scholars. He was born in 1932 and died on 8th August 2015. He was awarded the doctorate after his thesis work on comparative laws. Therefore, he could produce several worthy books in the field of Islamic Sharī’ah and law. Al-Tafsīr-ul-Munīr, in 17 volumes, deals with the interpretation of the Holy Qur’ān in the doctrine, law, and methodology. The writer becomes unique by his best efforts in dividing the Qur’ānic verses into objective units with illustrated titles, highlighting what is included in each chapter, dealing with clarification of linguistics, composing the reasons of verses, and by presenting the stories of the prophets and major events of Islam from authentic sources. The book is not merry traditional Tafsīr of the Holy Qur’ān but a great interpretation that also deals with modern-day social, political, and economic issues from the perspectives of the Holy Qur’ān.

Keywords: Holy Qur’ān, Tafsīr, Al-Tafsīr-ul-Munīr, Al-Zuhielī, Modern Tafsīr


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