مکی عہد میں خواتین کا معاشی طرز حیات ،بنیادی مصادر کا اختصاصی مطالعہ

Economic Lifestyle of Women in the Meccan Era: A Specialized Study of Primary Sources

1. Urouge Sarwar Ph.D. Scholar
Department of Islamic Studies
The Govt. Sadiq College women university Bahawalpur

2. Dr.Farzana Iqbal
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies,
The Govt. Sadiq College women university Bahawalpur


The economic lifestyle of women in the Meccan era is a vital subject explored through primary sources such as the Quran, Hadith, the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and ancient Islamic history. These sources provide valuable insights into the social, economic, and commercial roles women played during this period. This research highlights the diverse economic activities of women, particularly their participation in trades like leatherwork and perfumery. It also illustrates how Islam introduced a comprehensive economic system that guided human interactions and business practices. This specialized study offers a detailed analysis of these primary sources and the information they reveal.

Keywords: Women, Economic Life Style, Trade, Islamic History, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


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