عہد نبوی میں ریاست مدینہ کا شہری نظم و نسق اور عصر حاضر میں اس کی معنویت

The Civil Administration of Madinah State in the Prophet's Time And Its Importance in the Contemporary Period

1. Muhammad Yaqoob Gondal,
Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies,
NUML, Multan, Pakistan

2. Dr. Muhammad Shahid (Corresponding Author)
InCharge Department of Hadith & Hadith Sciences,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad


The establishment of a state is essential to unite society. The study of Islamic history tells us that the foundations of the Prophetic state of Madinah were very enduring.  So, we can say that a state which will be established in modern times must adhere to the principles of that prophetic state.  This article explains the principles and structure of the prophetic state of Madinah. It urges us to establish states similar to that state. The principles of Madinah state were important and its civic administration structure was very ideal. This state promoted the prosperity, education, peace, and health of the public. That is why an educated, peaceful, healthy, and sincere society was formed under the patronage of the Madinah state.

Keywords: State, Governance, Prophetic, Prosperity, Society


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