Nowadays, Women are being imprisoned in the name of Islam. She is continuously being chained in the four walls of the house. Her basic teachings are being interpreted as sedition. Her fundamental rights are being trampled. On the other hand, in the name of women’s emancipation, she is made or being made an ornament of the party and in the deception of liberalism, it is being turned into a flourishing pub. A vicious game of devilishness is being created. As a result, our Eastern values and traditions are crumbling to pieces, even though these two paths are of extremism and deviation. While the path of Islam and of the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the path between the two which is moderate, what is the path of moderation? Whose path will be entitled to victory in both worlds, so in this article, by the grace of God, you will find the full details of how the noble wives of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the wives of his companions performed the services of humanity and Islam. Moreover, this article will also explain how you chose the field of medicine and education? What are the achievements of the military in the field? What were their positions in the field of defense? This article will also highlight this topic. In short, the purpose will be to mention the deeds of the daughter of Hawa (Bint-e-Hawa) in all the important fields of life.
Keywords: Imprisoned, Fundamental Rights, Deception, Humanity, Contemporary, Achievements