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  • Dr. Habib Ullah Chisti Islamabad Model Postgraduate College H8, Islamabad
  • Nazir Ahmad Bhutta Islamabad Model Postgraduate College H8, Islamabad


Priorities, Religion, Humanity, Attitude, Life


If the determining of religious priorities is correct then religion also remains in its original state and the effects of religion also appear clear and conspicuous and if the priorities go wrong, then humanity goes far beyond the actual religion. And the attitudes of the religious oriented people also become a source of doubts regarding religion. And the low regard of religious personality also leads to the disgrace of the religion. Before we take a deep look at our religious priorities, it is important to understand that what is the importance of priorities in life and what is meant by religious priorities.

Author Biographies

  • Dr. Habib Ullah Chisti, Islamabad Model Postgraduate College H8, Islamabad

    Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Islamic Studies

  • Nazir Ahmad Bhutta, Islamabad Model Postgraduate College H8, Islamabad

    Lecturer, Islamic Studies



How to Cite

????? ???? ??????? ? ??? ???? ????? . (2019). International Research Journal on Islamic Studies (IRJIS), 1(Issue 1), 39-64. https://islamicjournals.com/ojs/index.php/IRJIS/article/view/11