Three main causes of extremism in Pakistani society and their solution in the light of Islamic teachings (analytical study)
Three main causes of extremism in Pakistani society and their solution in the light of Islamic teachings (analytical study)
Extremism, misunderstandings, Imams, Preachers, IntoleranceAbstract
Extremism is a big challenge facing the world. The states of East and West are trying to deal with it and are formulating their strategies at every level. Pakistan has also been facing extremism. In the time of Ali Karamullah Wajha, the extremist group which faced the Muslim state in the form of Kharijites, where it harmed the Muslim unity, at the same time it was decided that such groups are not acceptable in the Islamic state. There are three main reasons for extremism in Muslim societies, especially in Pakistan. The first reason is misunderstandings. Misunderstandings lead to hatred and hatred leads to enmity. The other major cause of extremism is the negative role of the Imam of the mosque and the Khatib. The third and final reason is intolerance. Disagreement and diversity were made a source of controversy instead of breadth and beauty and it was declared intolerable to ponder over trivial matters. When one does not listen to the other, the result is intolerance and extremism. In this article, we will know these three reasons in detail. What are the Islamic teachings about these three reasons for extremism? It will be discussed in detail.
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