The Origin and Evolution of ??f? ism in Islamic Perspective


  • Kishwer Naheed Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
  • Dr Shahzadi Pakeeza Fatima Jinnah Women University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Mysticism in Islam, Evolution Stages of Mysticism, Development of Tasawuf, Tasawuf in Historical Perspective


The Origin and evolution of Tasawuf? is the signifucant area of research and rlates to the tue spirit of Islam. In the history of Islamic tradition, Sufism has its own significance and a protuberant role. The history enriched with prominent women Sufis alongside the men Sufi mystics explains their enormous drive for the love of Allah and His Messenger (P.B.U.H). While living their lives in the light of Islamic Shariah with passion to seek the Divine guidance, the sufis also made significant strides towards the uplifting and promotion of their families and society. This study enlightens the role of Sufis by their morally enriched character of true bondwomen of the Allah ? that helped their family and society to become true Muslims and perform their religious and social duties quite effectively. The methodology of this study is historical and descriptive. This research is qualitative in nature.


Author Biography

  • Dr Shahzadi Pakeeza, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Assistant Professor,
    HoD, Department of Islamic Studies



How to Cite

The Origin and Evolution of ??f? ism in Islamic Perspective. (2021). International Research Journal on Islamic Studies (IRJIS), 3(Issue 1), 28-48.